শনিবার ৮ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ সকাল ১০:৪৯
Logo পুলিশ বাহিনী সম্পর্কে গভীর ষড়যন্ত্রমূলক বক্তব্যও দিয়েছেন-সাবেক আইজিপি বেনজীর আহমেদ,,বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ অ্যাসোসিয়েশন। Logo শেখ হাসিনা দিল্লিতে আশ্রয় নিয়েও তার সন্ত্রাসীদের সক্রিয় করার চেষ্টা করছেন-অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের প্রধান উপদেষ্টা অধ্যাপক ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস। Logo সীমান্তে প্রায় ছয় টন ভারতীয় চোরাই জিরা উদ্ধার Logo জমি সংক্রান্ত বিরোধের জেরে একই পরিবারের নারীসহ ৪ জনকে পিটিয়ে ও কুপিয়ে আহত Logo সোনারগাঁ অংশে বাস ও ব্যাটারিচালিত অটোরিকশা সংঘর্ষে মা-ছেলেসহ নিহত ৩ Logo কালীঘাট অভিযানের সময়, যোগ্য শিক্ষক ও শিক্ষিকাদের উপর পুলিশি জুলুম ও গ্রেফতার করা হয়। Logo বাগদেবীর আরাধনার পর, কলকাতার বাবুঘাটে চলছে সরস্বতী প্রতিমা নিরঞ্জন। Logo যেসব সবজিতে ভিটামিন ডি হাড়-পেশির স্বাস্থ্য ভালো রাখতে পারে Logo নারায়ণগঞ্জে জেলা প্রশাসকের কার্যালয়ের সামনে মুজিবুর ম্যুরাল ভাঙচুর Logo অভিনেত্রী মেহের আফরোজা শাওনের গ্রামে বাড়িতে ভাঙচুর,আগুন দেন বিক্ষুব্ধ ছাত্র-জনতা

The Story Bangladeshi Journalist Md Zahidul Islam Chowdhury Came Out

  • প্রকাশিত: আগস্ট, ২৪, ২০২১, ১২:৫২ পূর্বাহ্ণ
  • ৮৪৫ ০৯ বার দেখা হয়েছে

Nagar Sangbad || Md Zahidul Islam Chowdhury is a Bangladeshi Journalist, Writer, Internet Personality and Influencer based in Narayanganj City. He was born on March in 1983 at Amlapara, Narayanganj, Bangladesh
. He Connected With Writing From his early age about read in class Seven. He created some grateful Poem in his Childhood. His high school Journey Started from traditional and famous Institution Named Narayanganj High School & College. Although his educational life was spent various part of Bangladesh because of his younger uncle Babul’s Murder incident by Insurgents. He passed Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination from Government Tolaram College University in 2003 And Bachelor Of Business Studies Gratuation Degree obtained from Narayanganj University College Under Bangladesh National University in 2007.
Though Zahidul’s education based was Commerce background, he always kept Nurture Journalism in his Mind, he felt himself as a Journalist. As a Result, In 2000 his first investigation news article published from Dhaka based printed Bangla Daily ” Doinik Somachar ”
In his house, Every morning his family kept and read Daily Bangla Newspaper ” Ittefaq “. But Chowdhury didn’t get satisfaction reading Bangla newspaper, Zahidul used to going to Sudijon Pathagar Everyday evening which is City Library to read various English Newspapers published by Countrywide. Everyday reading Newspaper at morning was his Intoxication. If printed Newspaper didn’t publish their copy after National Holy day celebration, he felt very pain, very sad because of being unable to go through Daily Newspaper. That time was only printed Newspaper published , there was no Online version.
Zahidul also was Google Regional Expert Reviewer RER and Regional Leader under Google Map Maker Project. Not Only he was RER for Bangladesh but also his Contribution was Asia Subcontinent. Almost major district’s Map created in Bangladesh and about Seven Province boundary made by him of India. After completing this project, Finally Google Map Maker was officially shut down on March 31, 2017. Now this is live as Google Maps. His contribution was Remarkable for this Achievement Google issued Honorable Contract letter in favor him on 10th March 2016.
As well As Zahidul Islam has link with world encyclopedia Wikipedia project. There are also some significant article created and improved by him such as Narayanganj Press Club, Narayanganj Government Mohila College, Government Tolaram University College, Narayanganj Rail Station, Hajiganj Fort, Narayanganj Club etc.
Chowdhury always thinking Be Something Positive, Do Something Better, Be entrepreneur to create employment for people. Online Community Portal Narayanganj Page inaugurated by him from Narayanganj in 23rd October 2019. He lead his life Honestly. He has one future plan if everything is well , One specialized children hospital establishment for new born baby for emergency treatment for critical problem. Most of baby after born maintain some problem for instance Cold , pneumonia etc. This problem may be natural but need proper treatment in proper time. Rest of its on hand Almighty Allah
. Now in Globalization, Journalism is very easy and smooth. One can make news article from different reliable source and post publicly through electronic and print media. But it has also disadvantage. Some people take it’s advantage and misused , expressed fake news, published panic among mass people for his article viral in online and social media. It is not Journalism, It’s called rumors and yellow journalism. We have to avoid this. We have to hate this
.Now Md Zahidul Islam Chowdhury is working with online Community News Portal Narayanganj Post from 2020.

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